Monday, 23 January 2017

We wanna be startin' somethin'...

Well, Well, Well here we go my friends, foes and those who I may not know. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for accompanying me and each other in filling our past times and procrastination dazes with a little splurge of the reading of my hopefully thought-provoking, and equally entertaining blog of all things quirky and wonderful, or maybe even profound and serious encounters of my observations. I suppose I should introduce myself even though most of you probably know quite alot about me, but who knows who is reading.

They, well everyone, call me Pippa Herden or Pip, or to some I may be known by many other names. As I have possessed for the whole 19 and a bit years of my life vibrant orange hair that morphs from the shade of a carrot to that of a mandarin and in some lights I swear, it holds a glimpse of blonde in it. But I nor anyone else that I know, would change this colour for the world (particularly the old ladies downtown who always comment on its rarity). Anyways, I am currently studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in the glorious History and magical English at the University of Sydney. I do enjoy my degree beyond the constant referencing and thousands of words I have to type across the semester. I have an innate interest that sometimes boarders on obsession of history across many eras and cultures that is manifested through a similar necessity for reading.

Before uni though, I grew up in the small, but not too small rural city of Tamworth, NSW. A brief run down of my school years includes an overall very positive experience, an incredible friendship group who were always preoccupied with books than parties or makeup and would engage in interesting lunchtime conversations about bowel movements or one particular rising Russian ballet dancer and of course we threw in One Direction every once and a while. I played netball throughout all of High School and dabbled in a bit of musical instruments such as guitar, piano and something everyone...absolutely does not play, the trombone. I even made the school band which was in a time of its history where it was ridiculously terrible, sort of like an orchestra of squawking magpies. But I hear they have improved.

I don't really know where to go next, I guess in regards to myself, I have always been a quirky one that always loves to have a laugh and make people smile and be happy. I definitely have a different sense of humour who laughed uncontrollably at a video of someone sort of half twerking, half crunking to the ice-cream truck song, which I've attached to the bottom of the blog. I have a bit of a different fashion sense that is still in the process of construction and a refined liking to music and movies of any other era, for example I titled my first entry with a lyric from a Michael Jackson song. And without giving too much away, I  may or may not own a record player and an ink quill that are both used frequently. But on the other hand, this is just a snapshot to ease you readers into the person behind this 21st Century pen of the keyboard that will be writing of many stories and thoughts.

'A Spoonful of Marmalade' is the name I have chosen and it's hidden meaning will be revealed in future editions but I hope to bring a splash of warmth into your life with a smile. Anyways, (a word that you'll see quite often as I always get side tracked) let's begin this adventure into both unknown territory for the both of us.

Disclaimer- Amateur literary composer (blogger) here so beware of terrible sentence structure and wandering thoughts. Also I would love some feedback about the quality of my writing, what you all think I could write about in the future and of all things, whether or not this made you giggle just a little bit, even if you are reading it in public or comfortably at home.

I hope you enjoy my arrangements of the 26 letters of the alphabet...

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